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light creamsicle colors smooth blurred blend of pastel pink, pastel orange, pastel yellow.

Elevate your Body & Mind
for Total Body Conditioning !

light creamsicle colors smooth blurred blend of pastel pink, pastel orange, pastel yellow.

Benefits of suspension yoga & pilates                                                                                                                                 
Let Go & Flow
Contributes to good lymphatic drainage in varying levels of inversions, regenerates and strengthens the joints
Radiate Joy & Vitality

Emotionally relaxing as it Increases your mental abilities, creativity & awareness of the body.
Enjoy deep stretching & rid cellulite activating the fascia while improving the digestive and respiratory systems

Rejuvenate from Head to Toe

Extremely useful in rehabilitation; it´s considered as physiotherapy in weightlessness
as it reactivates circulation, strengthens and redefines the musculature, eliminates back pain,
& oxygenates the spinal cord

Join a class!

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